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    현대음악, 실험음악, Musiktheater-Performance 장르를 중점으로 활동하고 있는 진유영은 타악기연주자이며 동시에 창작자이다. 10세에 타악기를 시작하여 한국예술종합학교 영재원 수료, 이화여자대학교 학부 졸업, 독일 프라이부르크 음대에서 석사 및 콘체르트엑자멘/마이스터클라세 학위를 취득하였다. 독일, 이탈리아, 우크라이나 등 유럽 현대음악 페스티벌에 초청, 이화여대 관악오케스트라, 프라이부르크 음대 오케스트라와 협연 등의 다수의 연주를 하였다. 2017년 독일에서  여성타악기연주자 4인으로 구성된 음악극/퍼포먼스 전문 단체 그룹 앙상블 로트를 창단하여 ‘여성’, ‘몸’, ‘마리오네트’ 를 키워드로 현재까지 활동 중이다.  한국에서는 2020년부터 <진_유영 프로젝트#n>를 통해 사물과 악기의 물성을 탐구하는 ‘물성시리즈’와 Musiktheater 및 퍼포먼스 작품으로 구성하는 ‘이방인시리즈’ 를 진행하는 중이다.   


Jin, Yuyoung

   Yuyoung Jin was born in Pohang (South Korea) in 1988. She graduated from Korea National University of Arts as a junior student and received her bachelor's degree from EWHA Womans University in Seoul in 2011. During her studies she founded the EWHA percussion ensemble. From 2013/14 to 2017 she studied Masters and Konzertexamen/Meisterklasse at the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg with Prof. Bernhard Wulff, Prof. Taijiro Miyazaki and Pascal Pons. She was awarded the Deutschlandstipendium and the DAAD prize for outstanding achievements by international students. With the Freiburg Percussion ensemble she had numerous concert tours and was present at the new music festival at "Days of Macedonian music" in Skope, "Two days and nights of new music" in Odessa, "ASTAPER drum kit festival" in Kraków, "International Malaysian Contemporary Percussion Festival 2016”. She also took part in the International Summer Course for New Music in Darmstadt and was invited to the Korean Cultural Center as a young Korean talent. Currently she is mainly involved in contemporary music/music theater and she works actively with young composers and premieres the works. She is co-founder and member of the Ensemble Rot, Percussion duo ONE. 

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